Comica Line up! London this Sat 12th Nov wow this weekend! Below you will find the complete timetable for the 2012 Drawing Parade - come along and enjoy the spectacle. We’ll have a seating area for you to sit in and relax and gaze in wonder at the fascinating artistry being created before your very eyes. And yes, the whole day is completely free, so come one, come all! 11.00-11.30: Posy Simmonds ( Tamara Drewe, Gemma Bovery, Nelson ) 11.30-12.00: Luke Pearson ( Hildafolk, Everything We Miss ) 12.00-12.30: JAKe ( Hellraisers, Mighty Book of Boosh, Nelson ) 12.30-13.00: Warren Pleece ( Incognegro, Life Sucks, The Great Unwashed, Nelson ) 13.00-13.30: Sarah McIntyre ( Vern & Lettuce, Morris the Mankiest Monster ) 13.30-14.00: Frederik Peeters ( Sandcastle, Blue Pills ) 14.00-14.30: Sally Kindberg ( The Comic Strip Big Fat Book of Knowledge ) 14.30-15.00: James Jarvis ( De Profundis, Vortigern’s Machine ) 15.00-15.30: Karrie Fransman ( The House That Gr...