The Independent Manchester Beer Convention 5-6th Oct

The Independent Manchester Beer Convention (IMBC) will happen for the first time at the beginning of October in celebration of beer, food, beery discussions and beery good times. After the Leeds International Beer festival which happened a few weeks ago, this has much of the same essence (beer - kegged & cask) & a whole lot more in the form of practical demos & talks with head brewers. Interesting to see that both festivals are organised by completely different groups - but both have sprung up as a response to the demand from consumers & brewers to have a platform for quality beer (no matter what it's stored in). A quick rundown of key pointers taken from their site includes these features over the 2 days: - Over 30 keg lines, hosted by the brewers themselves. - 30 cask lines curated by Port Street Beer House and others. - The Portable Street Beer House presenting craft beers from here there and everywhere. ...