Brewing On The Edge

Micro brewing may be a term you’re familiar with – beer brewed on a small scale often on a brewery plant which allows for dynamic changes allowing crafting of each intricate element of the brew. Really there’s no specific definition of this in the UK. The only correlation to size in the UK is to do with beer tax. The small brewers’ progressive beer duty relief was introduced in 2002 with concessions of 50% on beer duty if breweries produced fewer than 50,000 hectolitres, with a tapering reduction in tax for production up to 300,000 hectolitres of beer. When you look to America their Brewers Association define a micro or craft brewery with a production size of less than 700,000 hectoliters a year. Moreover no more than 24% can be owned by another alcoholic beverage company that is not itself a craft brewery. So ‘micro’ comes in many different sizes. Imagine the next step down - nano or pico brewing . Tiny beer operations, brewing mini batches of beer and distributed to a limit...