Beer X
At the beginning of a new year you often find yourself reflecting back over the year that was. Remembering the gigs you attended ( Black Sabbath at Sheff arena will long stay in my good time memories) and in my case, the beer I imbibed too. Luckily there’s an app or two for that, just as long as you can manage to swipe and stab at your phone under any state of affairs, it’ll help you remember what you relished drinking along the way. One of my personal beery highlights from last year was sharing a toast of Brooklyn Brewery’s Sorachi Ace, a delicate Belgium style farmhouse saison, with the man who created the recipe - head brewer Garrett Oliver at the Society of Independent Brewers ( SIBA ) gathering last March. It was announced not long after that Sheffield would again host the event and its associated beer festival, Beer X . How time flies as twelve months later here we are with SIBA’s 2014 event launching in a matter of weeks. behind the scenes last ...