More Beer, More Space AND MORE FUN: Indy Man Beer Con (what more do you want?)

Back in 2012 I went to the first Independent Manchester Beer Convention and vowed to go every year. You can read my interview with one of the organisers HERE from that year. It was a game changer in the UK beer festival stakes and each year it's reinforced this rep. I'm going to try and dig out the beer lists/program from previous years and my scrawled notes to have a bit of a retrospective added to this blog post. *watch this space* BUT for now here some deets on tickets as advanced ones go up in in 5 days!!! 9am on Monday 1st June tickets for the 4th Independent Manchester Beer Convention go on sale. "Once again held in the stunning Victoria Baths, IMBC is an exciting and dynamic celebration of excellent beer from the UK and beyond, and for 2015 this year's event welcomes more beers, more space and more fun." Tickets prices start at just £8, available here: http://www. indymanbeercon...