Us & Them, Where’s the Inclusive Crew?: Why Brewdog & CAMRA Aren’t So Different
Us & Them, Where’s the Inclusive Crew?: Why Brewdog & CAMRA Aren’t So Different By thenoisethatwemade • 09 Jun, 2016 • Us & Them, Where’s the Inclusive Crew?: Why Brewdog & CAMRA Aren’t So Different. It's a statement I know, but hear me out. The week running up to my Brewdog AGM visit, I received a CAMRA booklet and letter through the post. (Disclosure - I was invited up by Rich Taylor from Brewdog. The flight and accommodation was paid for by BD, disclosure - I'm a member of CAMRA, damn those DDs! All opinions are my own). The Revitalisation Project booklet 'Shaping the future' from CAMRA is a call out to its members to feedback on the not-for-profit action group's direction for its next phase, after 45 years since inception. A lot has changed from 1971 to 2016. I've only been a member for roughly six years and to be honest half of that time is due to the fact I haven't cancelled my direct debit. I joined as I was happy to back a campa...