Golden Pints 2016
Golden Pints 2016 By thenoisethatwemade • 03 Jan, 2017 • What are Golden Pints? Started by Andy 'Beer Reviews' Mogg back in 2009 alongside Mark Dredge & Fletcher. Evaluating the last 12 months of beers, events & more, before looking forward to the next. Why join in? A moment to reflect & share your beer journey (& discover others). This is my fifth year of Golden Pints & it's a process I really enjoy going through. It's often the kick-start to rediscovering my joy of writing about beer each year. I also like Boak and Bailey's take on it (' AKA Our To Do List '), where they create a list of beers/breweries to try from a selection of others' Golden Pints. Drum roll...... Best UK Cask Beer – Dark star 'Creme Brulee ' - I sampled this on cask at the Manchester Beer & Cider Festival & it was the standout of the festival. Lots of rich vanilla, dark, sweet licks. Even with the new keykeg bar area (controversia...