Huddersfield Day Tripping
Huddersfield Day Tripping By thenoisethatwemade • 03 Aug, 2017 • I can't remember when we actually visited Huddersfield but looking at the photos Hali was still working at The Grove. So if he's reading this and would like to remind me, that'd be nice. Anyway, time is just a concept, where as this blog will sit in the ether for infinity or until we disappear in a nuclear cloud, as Frankie Boyle hypothesised recently. Well back to Huddersfield. Over the last 18 months it's become a very appealing destination for a beering day trip - with Magic Rock's taproom, Mallinson's new bar and Arcade beer shop newly added to the existing route of good pubs. This is by no means an exhaustive list of places to go, only where we went the day (whenever it was!) we visited: Magic Rock Brewing Taproom Our day trip somewhat reduced in venue visiting due to the fact we stayed at the Magic Rock's tap for quite a few hours. You can't say anything but glowing statements for t...