Vintage @ Goodwood

This is going to be a good one! Festival covering art, fashion, music and design...come on you all know it goes hand in hand.
Some ace curators, DJ Snowboy, Greg Wilson - just look at the 1980s section which will create Warehouse and Roller Disco parties:
The Warehouse and Roller Disco pick up the baton from the mid 70s and Vintage’s ‘Soul Casino’ and will trace some of the legendary 'Disco' club nights from the mid 70s right up to where we are now. We will be celebrating the original and pioneering DJs (all British, reflecting the spirit of the festival) and some of the legendary UK clubs that paved the way for the current Disco resurgence. List them together and it becomes a truly mouth-watering prospect...
A Guy Called GeraldAndrew Weatherall
Ashley Beedle’s Warbox Outernational Meets Trojan Soundsystem
Chris Sullivan
Colin Curtis
Danny Rampling
Disco Bloodbath
George Power
Graeme Park
Greg Wilson
Horse Meat Disco
Ian Dewhirst
Idjut Boys
Jay Strongman
Jazzie B
Jeffrey Hinton
Joey Negro
Lascelle Lascelles
Les Spaine
Low Life
Noel Watson
Norman Jay
Princess Julia
Winston Hazel
Also appearing in the Soul Casino... curated by Eddie Piller:
Chris Hill
David Holmes
Dr Bob Jones
Keb Darge