Sheffield Beery Happenings: Beer X, Magic Rock, Sierra Nevada

It's all happening this week, I know I bang on about Sheffield and the beery good things that go on here, but can you blame me really for feeling a little pleased about it. This week the Society of Independent Brewer's launch their annual get together and throw a 300+ beer festival each night. From Wednesday through to Saturday night - you can head up to IceSheffield , check out the beer list for what's in store. I hear some rumblings a foot for good quality food offerings from street food vendors like Fish& and Diamond Dogs in the mix too. On Thursday - Magic Rock's head brewer Stuart wrestles Brewdog's newest bar to the ground and takes over the taps (ooooh la la monsieur). Sheffield isn't exactly a beer desert and Brewdog Sheffield may end up looking slightly dated in less than a week going by it's industrial 80s nightclub styling, but you know what, it'll still tempt you in now and again for some tasty keg tr...